Your Parish Statement Video
Who are you and what makes you uniquely you as a parish?
That's what people want to know when they visit your parish website for the first time before walking through the front doors of your church for the first time... or the first time in years.
You can try to convey the warmth and love you have for God's people with a block of text that may or may not be read.
Or you can convey who you are with a short compelling video that speaks to the hearts of the guests on your website right from the heart of your parish where you tell and show others who you are.
This video, and shorter versions of it, can be shared on your parishioners' social media pages, making easy for them to evangelize and invite others.
People want to know if their relationship with God can grow at your parish and you want to show them how it will grow in the most personal way possible. ​
That's where Personally Catholic comes in!
Invite us to your parish
Invite us to interview your pastor for just thirty minutes and film one Sunday at your parish (or at one special parish event). Our award winning filmmakers will do the rest to help your parish share it's unique relationship with God with the world.
Your Video on Your Website
Place your video on your website. Share it with your parishioners and invite them to share it with their friends. Invite them to share the shorter social media reels as well.
Support Us
Of course we would love to do this for free. However, here is what we ask:
allow Personally Catholic to place a small logo in the bottom corner of your video toward the end
allow Personally Catholic to share your video with our own donors
give Personally Catholic a donation equal to whatever you would pay a musician at Mass for each hours spent filming at your parish (about 5 hours).
allow Personally Catholic to donate the hours spent editing your film (usually 3 hours of editing for every one hour of filming)
if you need high quality photos for your website, allow us to spend one extra hour taking those photos (like the ones on this page) and we will donate the photo editing.
Why Are We Doing This
Too many amazing parishes filled with too many amazing Catholics have too many empty pews... and we are simply called to do our part.